March 20, 2011

Eat Your Veggies!


This little rabbit family knows the secret to good health and great eyesight: cultivate a taste for colorful veggies.

Babs, Bibs, Binkie and Cousin Harey would like to share
8 Really Good Reasons to Eat Your Veggies:
  • They come in lots of pretty colors
  • They are inexpensive
  • They are low in calories, fat and sodium
  • They are high in vitamins and other nutrients
  • They are high in fiber
  • You help out the environment when you eat more vegetables and less (or no) meat.
  • They are fun to grow
  • They make your nose a rosy pink, your fur shiny and soft, and they put a spring in your hop!
What are you waiting for? There are lots of websites devoted to vegetable gardens and vegetable recipes. Vegetarian Times is a great place to find resources, recipes, and other great information.

Thanks for visiting!

Eat Your Veggies is my newest 8 x 10" print, now available in my Etsy online shop! Hop on over and find out more by clicking the link...


  1. Couldn't agree more and did you know there are white and orange carrot varieties too!? (Random fact of the day ;) )
    Love your work!

  2. I did not know that--are they striped? Will have to do some research!

  3. great take on the prompt! love your style

  4. And purple carrots since we're on the subject - they're purple on the outside, orange inside. Very cute illustration.

  5. Darling...We need this as a poster in our school lunch lines!

  6. I agree Sarah--nutrition at that age is SO important and has been SO neglected...

  7. Adorable, two rabbits!

  8. Oh dear with white and orange I meant white and yellow. The language thing.. Don't know if they come striped too, though I am sure we can DRAW them striped :)

  9. You have a very nice style , great picture !

  10. We'll be planting carrots in our veggie garden! But we hope to keep the bunnies out! They like to eat our green beans! But just 1/2 a bean at time! Grrr! woof! Go away!

  11. Adorable! Love it on the tote bag.


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