February 23, 2011

Make EVERY Day Spay Day USA

Don't delay--neuter or spay! Don't wind up like this Cat Lady who delayed having her she-kitty spayed. These kittens will be adorable for a few weeks until it's time to find homes for them. And, if they in turn are not neutered or spayed, the problem becomes exponential .

Yesterday was Spay Day USA sponsored by the Humane Society of the United States ; a day to raise awareness about pet overpopulation and to help you become a part of the solution. Spay Day may be over, but there is still time (2 days) to enter your pet's photo in their photo contest. And there are still 364 days to take action!

Four million cats and dogs—about one every eight seconds—are put down in U.S. shelters each year. Spay/neuter is the only permanent, 100-percent effective method of birth control for dogs and cats and a proven way to reduce the vast numbers of animals who are born only to die prematurely and without a family who loves them. Learn more about why you should spay or neuter your pet.

Visit the Humane Society website today to learn about local events, low-cost spay clinics, trap-neuter-release programs for feral cats, and other great information.

Thanks for visiting!

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