February 11, 2011

Adventures In Blogland

It's not too late to join in the fun of the One World One Heart blog event. Tomorrow is the last day to enter your blog as a participant, but you have until Feb. 17 to visit all of the blogs and enter for a chance to win any of the hundreds of giveaways. For details, visit this link: OWOH

In the mean time, I am working my way through a list of over 800 participating blogs from around the world and "meeting" an amazing array of creative, funny, talented bloggers, many of whom happen to be Cat Ladies!

One such participant is the bewitching Cat Lady Wendy who writes an enchanting blog "The Year Of The Cats" that often centers around her two cats Bella and Sele.

"I have always had at
LEAST one cat in my life and one time I had six. I am owned by two incred­i­bly 'indulged' cats. Miss Bella, who is all black with a white dia­mond patch on her chest, cool, sear­ing green eyes and a very diva like per­son­al­ity. Her sis­ter and litter-mate, Sele is a com­plete oppo­site of Bella. She’s a tuxedo cat and all she wants to do is play, snug­gle, eat and sleep. In that order.

"Why do I love cats so much? It’s their magic and mys­tery. For ages cats have been con­nected to the moon and I love the oth­er­worldly side of cats that have taught me about intu­ition, magic and the fem­i­nine God­dess. ...So, I decided I need to write this blog because of my love of cats, all cats and to explore, share and learn more about magic."

Some of the OWOH blogs require that you be an active blog writer to participate in their giveaway, however, mine is open to blog readers too (that means everybody!) . I have THREE giveaway packages this year, so hurry on over to this post and enter for a chance to win, if you haven't already. Thanks for visiting!

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