January 23, 2011

The Catnip Chronicles: Photo Verification of Customer Satisfaction

My studio assistant Buttonwillow takes her job as quality control supervisor very seriously. Each new batch of catnip that arrives is thoroughly tested for aroma, potency, and crazy-making properties.

That's why she (and I) are always delighted to hear from satisfied customers and particularly pleased when photo verification is received.

Cat Lady Sue recently wrote: "I ordered some of these to give to friends with cats -- and, oh my goodness -- I gave one to our cats three days ago and the kitties take turns with the toy -- I have never seen them like ANYTHING this much! "

"Hello, Kitty is the one who most 'appreciates' your handiwork. She lies on her back and holds the little catnip pillow over her face, using both paws -- she looks the way I do when I have a headache and am using a heating pad."

Hello Kitty shares her life with a small zoo of other cats and dogs. Sue says, "A friend who saw the pictures says that Hello, Kitty is doing a zen-like mantra of 'I am an only kitty' when she holds the catnip pillow to her face!" Wishful thinking!

"Hello, Kitty came to us after being rescued from a car engine . She had ridden at least 12 miles in the engine before the people discovered it -- she evidently joined them when they were at the grocery store and parked near a dumpster. The girl who got her out said that they had no clue what her 'real' color would be as she was totally covered with oil. She is very affectionate but is not the 'brightest bulb on the porch' -- engine fumes,probably!"

Here is one of Hello, Kitty's housemates, Tig --"The Three-Legged Wonder Cat". According to Sue she appreciates the catnip toys also, but is taking some time out from all of the fun to help with the laundry.

Thanks for visiting!

1 comment:

  1. Poor kitty! What a story ~ but luckily a very happy ending!

    xo Catherine

    PS ~ spent the afternoon in my craft room where my beautiful kitty picture I won from you is hung. It provides me inspiration always! :)


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