January 1, 2011

Cue the Fireworks...Again!

Strike up the band! Shout from the rooftops! I'm dancing a jig!

Why? Not only is it a brand new year, it is also my TWO year Blogiversary!!

When I set out two years ago to write a blog with a new painting of a Cat Lady each day for one year, little did I know what a fun adventure I was embarking on! Through the miracles of modern technology, I have made the acquaintance of a multitude of fabulous and fascinating Cat Ladies and Lads, their feline friends, plus animal fanatics and nature lovers from around the world. I am grateful for your friendships, your stories, your collaborations, and your support!



Congratulations to the winners of THREE different giveaways over the past month!


Cat Lady Sheila of Florida won the lavender pomander. She is mom to one kitty, a red tabby named Joey, who was a feral cat and has been her baby for 11 years now. She reminded me that she was the lucky winner of a bookmark in March and says "I want you to know that I absolutely LOVE it and use it all the time!"

Cat Lady Mimi of Seattle won the bookmark. She is a talented watercolor artist and you can see more of her work at her online gallery/blog. She recently had a happy experience involving a painting and a charity auction-- you can read about it here: Worth More Than Money

Cat Lady Kaelynne of Texas won the earrings. She tells us about her feline friends: "The House Cats: Tabatha - 8, grey tabby, who is in love with my husband; she and her sister, TaMolly (grey and white tabby)were born under our bed.
Tank, a Siamese, came to us as a 6 week old kitten, who was fearless, and would pop
the dogs in the nose if they got in his way. PJ (Pumkin Jr.) was adopted at a local PetsMart last year and is a typical yellow tabby. Barn Cat: Last, but not least is Thomas(Tommy) a beautiful dark gray tabby that adopted us two years ago. He might not have stayed if he knew he was going to be neutered -lol. He is a barn cat, and earns his keep by keeping my horse barn free of vermin - which keeps away the snakes."

Cat Lady Anita of Colorado won the catnip toy. Sadly, her family recently lost a puppy, as mentioned in her telepathy entry: "Our boys are wondering a lot... we lost our puppy a few weeks ago by a car accident. So I think Barabas is saying: Where is that mop that would tackle me? I miss him." Her kitties are Barabas, Jello-Bean, Grover and Albert.

Advice Columnist and blogging cat Fisher won the pendant. Her bio: "I am Fisher. Female. Black and White. Never married. Pisces. Living happily in St. Petersburg, FL. I have enjoyed life as a self-employed advice columnist and, happy to report, published! One of my favorite things is to find places to sleep where they usually can’t find me and for sure don’t interrupt my napping. I really love to think. I think a lot! That’s why I hide. To nap. And dream. Or to pretend I am sleeping so I can just think about things." No word as to whether Fisher will keep the pendant for herself , or give it to her favorite Cat Lady.


Congratulations to Cat Lady Lynn of Illinois for winning the December giveaway hosted by Cat Lady Ingrid of The Conscious Cat! She won her choice of a pendant and picked this one. She tells us: "We have SIX felines here ranging from age 22 yrs old down to 2 yrs (our three 2yr olds are siblings we rescued). It's a first for us to adopt a group of siblings (Molly, Leo and Lyle), but I can say the close bond they have with each other is something that surprised us..they do everything together as a 'pack'. I have always loved cats deeply, and will always have at least four in our home.."

Congratulations to Fiber Artist Donnely of Ohio who won this pendant! If you haven't discovered The Hive yet, it's a great place for artsy-craftsy types..."a dynamic social community designed to help provide a connection between everyone in the arts, crafts and hobby industry. Whether you are a manufacturer, professional artist, hobbyist, retailer or consumer, you have a voice." Click here for more information: THE HIVE


Buttonwillow and I would like to wish each and every one of you a
, prosperous, love-filled and PURR-fect New Year
All the best, Susan Faye


  1. Happy Blogoversary Susan! We wish you and your family a joyful, healthy 2011 filled with all good things :-)

  2. Happy Blogoversary to you Susan. I will be 1 year very soon. I have enjoyed your blog very much and look forward to your posts in the new year. Happy New Year! Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5

  3. Hope your blogiversary was purrrfect! :)

  4. Happy Blogoversary to you, and may your adventure continue for many more. Thank you so much for the beautiful pendant...and I have not told staff woman about it yet...so I will put it on me first. tee hee
    Your friend,

  5. HAPPY NEW YEAR Susan :)!!!
    And happy blogoversary too!

  6. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year Susan Faye!
    xo Catherine

  7. Happy New Year! Great blog here...I am a Crazy Cat Lady!!!

  8. "Beautiful BLOG! I love your "cat" adventures!! *I miss my cat, Mae*
    I am now following your blog. (I hope you will visit my blog too and follow if you like what you see. :)"

  9. Thanks everyone! I'm looking forward to a brand new year of blogging--it's so much fun to "meet" so many interesting Cat Ladies and make new friends through this miraculous thing called the internet!


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!