December 5, 2010

What's Cookin' At World Headquarters ...(And In Cat Lady Kitchens Across the Country)

It's just killing me that I can't show you the portraits that I've been working on, because they are Christmas Secrets. But who can resist a little peek under the tree, or even rattling the boxes a little? So here are just a few little peeks, but no rattling please:


Here's what was cooking in the kitchen of cake decorator Wendy recently...Wendy wanted to create a special birthday cake for her sister Susan. It turns out that Susan's husband calls her "Groovy Cat". Wendy kindly contacted me and asked if she could reproduce my "groovy cat" artwork on a cake just for fun. I never met a Susan OR an icing-topped baked good I didn't like, so of course I said "YES!" Here is the result: a groovy flower power cake "hat" that is mod to the max!

Wendy reports: "She loved it! It was so cute, she kept opening the fridge to look at it. My husband came into the kitchen while I was working on the band around the bottom, and told me I was nuts! I have never done a cake with so much detail, just in that area." You can see more pictures at Cake Central.

By the way, in case you were wondering as I was, the cake was "Chunky Monkey": alternating layers ( 2 each) of vanilla and banana cake with chocolate butter cream and peanut butter filling. {{excuse me while I wipe the drool off my chin}} Says Wendy: "Not a scrap was left, Sue kept trying to cut around the cat, and it was the last piece standing".


Here's what's NOT cooking in the kitchen of Cat Lady Serafima: it's a CATATO!
Yes, the little felinesque creature on the left is actually a potato that strangely resembled the cute little pottery cat on the left. A little paint and some lima bean eyes and voila! Pottery cat has a new best friend!

Serafima's native city is St. Petersburg, Russia, and she currently lives in New Jersey with her husband and kitties. She is passionate about compassion and animal rights and rescue. You can enjoy her artwork, poetry, and music at her website.

Thanks for visiting!


  1. That Cat Cake is unbelievable... suPURRb! What cat lady wouldn't go absolutely crazy over that?

  2. That cake is beautiful ~ it must have tasted extra good with your wonderful art on it Susan! :)

    I liked your Christmas sneak peaks ~ they look fantastic!

    Happy Monday!
    xo Catherine

  3. I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You :-)



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