July 26, 2010

Market Research Results....And a Winner!!

A big thank you to everyone who helped Buttonwillow and me with Market Research this past week!

Readers were asked for their feedback on 16 of my
new pendant designs. You can see the choices and read all of the responses here: What's Cookin' at World Headquarters.

Design "J" (Garden Cat, inspected here by Buttonwillow) was by far the most popula
r. The tabby cat, raccoon and kitten/bird/butterfly designs were also top picks. Opinion was just about split on the heart dangle vs. no dangle preference so I'll try to offer each design both with and without the dangle in the future...

Each name was thrown into a hat and last night a name was drawn at random to win the pendant of her choice. And that lucky winner is: Cat Lady Tanya who is currently in Great Britain but hails from South Africa. Congratulations!!!!

In her commentary, Tanya had expressed interest in a ginger tabby, so she chose this pendant from my Etsy shop:

Here she tells us why:

"My blog 3 Cats Creations is inspired by my three cats, Tiger, Garfield and Peanuts.

"Tiger was the oldest of our cats. She followed us home one day and from that day on was always a part of our family. On her first vet checkup the vet told us that she was a boy, but a few weeks later we realised how much fatter Tiger was getting. So we took her back to the vet and guess what, our little 'boy' was pregnant. That was quite a shock.

"Garfield was one of Tiger's kittens. He got his name from my hubby because he was orange and my hubby likes Garfield so it was a perfect match.

"Peanuts was my little lady, I found her one day in a bush crying really hard. She was so tiny, only about 4 weeks old. So I took her home and because Tiger was still feeding her kittens she eventually accepted Peanuts as one of her own.

"Unfortunately Tiger and Peanuts have passed away, and Garfield my big orange boy lives in South Africa with his grandparents while my hubby and I do some traveling. It has been so difficult leaving him behind.

"That is why I started making cats and painting cats, it makes me feel like my cats are still a part of me and a little bit of them goes into each of the cats I create."

Be sure to check out Tanya's adorable creations in her Etsy Shop: 3 Cats Creations on Etsy!

In the mean time, lots of new pendants are in the works here at Susan Faye World Headquarters, thanks to all of your valuable input. I'll be adding new designs to my Etsy Shop in the coming weeks. Visit this link to see the current selection: Susan Faye Wearable Art Glass Pendants

Thanks for visiting!

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