June 8, 2010

Today is World Oceans Day!

World Oceans Day was officially declared by the United Nations in 2008, to be observed on June 8th of each year. This year's theme is "Oceans of Life".

Discover some surprising reasons we're all connected to the oceans by visiting this interactive Nature Conservancy link. Then leave your own message of hope and see what others have to say here: Messages of Hope.

Your message can be anything, but here are some suggestions from the Nature Conservancy to help get you started: How are you connected to the sea? What do you hope for the future of our oceans? Why do you think it is important to conserve our coasts and waters? What about the ocean inspired you to begin living a greener life?"

To find World Oceans Dayevents in your area, click visit this link: THE OCEAN PROJECT

Thanks for visiting!

1 comment:

  1. What a cute painting with the little mercats! I had no idea it was Oceans Day. All I can think of to wish for is no more oil spills! It breaks my heart to hear about all the poor wildlife hurt by it!
    Anyway ~ happy Tuesday to you!


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