June 17, 2010

New Kits In Town

There is great excitement in our backyard with the appearance of a brand new family of black and white kittens.

There are the twins, Pepe and Le Pew:

And a mysterious three-headed kitten...

Oh wait, that's just the triplets, Manny, Moe and Jack...

Buttonwillow is quite excited about five new playmates and asked if we could keep them.

She is convinced that they are long lost cousins of hers, which I guess is a reasonable assumption based on a careful comparison of baby pictures below (Baby Buttonwillow and her brother are on the right-hand side, in case there's any confusion):

What do you think. Should we keep them?


  1. Very cute... actually cats and skunks seem to get along quite well... Cats don't seem to get skunked ... obviously smarter than dogs....

  2. so cute. i just love baby skunks. i say keep 'em! :)

  3. How could you not keep them? They're too cute! :-)

  4. Oh my goodness they are adorable! :)


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