June 22, 2010

And the Winner Is....

...Cat Lady Anne S. (aka Cat Lady No. 80)!

Her name was drawn at random and she is the winner of the 365 Cat Ladies Get Ready For Summer Giveaway. Congratulations!

Her tip for Reducing, Re-using, or Recycling was a simple one that emphasizes re-using something first before recycling it, to get the most mileage out of it:

"The simplest one for me is to cut up paper that has the back still clean, into small note-sized pages that I store right next to my phone and computer for taking notes on. My friend Helen glues the top edge to make note pads from backs of old papers. It is fun and colorful to see the variety of paper
you can re-use this way!"

Anne is a popular and well-collected West Coast artist--you can see her work and learn more about her at her website: Anne Seltzer

Here is the beach tote that Anne chose from the five new designs available now available in my Cafepress shop online.

Thank you to everyone who participated with lots of easy and thoughtful earth-friendly tips!!

1 comment:

  1. I simply love all your cat designs and you are so creative. LenZie


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