May 9, 2010

A Tribute to (Cat) Moms!

Introducing a trio of "Cat Moms" to warm your heart:

Daughter Karen tells us about Cat Lady Brenda and her reading assistant, Ebbe:

"I never imagined that my Mom, at age sixty-something and with two thirty-something daughters, would become a mother yet again at this point in her life.

"But she has, to a furry little boy named Ebbe.

"I had never considered my mother an 'animal person.' (The last time a pet lived in our home was during the first Reagan administration.) So my sister and I were pretty surprised to learn that she had agreed to adopt, sight-unseen, a kitten abandoned on a friend's doorstep.

"Little did I know that this kitten, now a full-grown cat, would so completely capture my mother's heart, providing her with an endless supply of affection, entertainment, and what we refer to as 'Ebbe stories.'

"So on this Mother's Day, I am giving her this portrait because I want to honor the nurturing and generous Mom that she is, to her children both human and feline."
Be sure to visit Karen's pottery studio at:

Daughter Calli commissioned this portrait of her mom, Cat Lady Dona and kitty Kahn: ""My mom adopted Kahn from the SPCA last year. Before she went to look at the cats she told me 'I don't want a boy cat and I don't want a black cat'.

"But Kahn, a little black boy kitty, captured her heart and my Mom knew immediately that he was the one. He has ruled her house ever since! Kahn has a lot of spunk - he likes to play, explore, and most importantly, cuddle. He has been a great companion for my Mom."

Son Eric tells us about his Mom and her feline friends Smoochie and Molly:

"She IS the cat lady...She takes the 'Big Lug' (her 17-lb, 16-year-old cat; his real name is Smoochie) to the county home at every holiday, in costume, so that the folks can pet and admire him!...Smoochie is overwhelmingly friendly, loves attention, and is a die-hard groveler for table scraps...

"The smaller, darker one is Molly. She's 13, very standoffish, and is famous for her 'scream' meow when anyone but my Mom approaches her. She and Smoochie used to get along, but she always swats at him now...It doesn't seem to bother him though, and he rarely swats back or gets angry at her. When they sleep, they still curl up together in a basket or on a big pillow.

"I could write for hours about all the crazy episodes with her and the cats over the years!"

So here is a big heart-y ♥♥♥ thank you to all of the maternal types out in the world...with love, from your children, both furry and otherwise...


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