April 1, 2010

We Have A Winner! Bee-lieve it!

I'm not foolin'! One name was drawn at random and the winner of the Spring Celebration Giveaway is: Cat Lady Jennifer MacNeil Traylor!! I will be creating a custom portrait of Pumpkin in his chosen profession as described by Jennifer:

"Our new ca
t Pumpkin would definitely be a bee keeper! Every morning he cries to go outside. If the weather is nice I'll let him out and he darts out the back door, quick as a flash, and chases bees. It's so funny to watch him leaping and jumping around the yard like a happy child!"

Jennifer is a fellow Etsy artist who specializes in beautiful equine art and Halloween art. You can enjoy her wonderful creations at her website: Gypsy Mare Studios plus see her hand-painted jewelry and more art at her Etsy Shop.

Be sure to read all of the fun entries at the end of the Giveaway blog post. Cat professions included: drill sergeant, personal valet, ballet dancer, mattress tester, Reiki Master, paper shredder, office manager, concierge, security guard, baker and bread kneader, food critic, and more... Thank you to everyone who participated and made this such a fun giveaway!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!!! I am so excited!!! Love your artwork and I love cats:)


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