April 5, 2010

A Rainbow of Terrific Tuxies or Is it Simply Black and White?

There are some purists who insist that for a feline to be considered a tuxedo cat, it must be solid black in coloring with white limited to the paws, belly, chest, throat, face, and possibly the chin. Others have a more (dare I say) contemporary view that we should embrace tuxedos in ALL hues in both the fashion world and in the cat universe. What do you think?

Please take a moment to make your voice heard in the Very Scientific Poll in the top right column of this blog. Your input will be greatly appreciated. In the mean time, take a gander at some of the possibilities for tuxedo variations:

Each one of these ten original mini watercolor paintings was a part of the 365 Cat Ladies series featured in this blog during 2009. All ten are being auctioned off this week on Ebay...here is your chance to collect original artwork without breaking the bank, plus you will own a little piece of 365 Cat Lady history!

Place your bid today at:


Thanks for visiting!


  1. That poll was fun. Thanks. I would love to bid, but get laid off to often. Good luck. I love the one with the cat wearing the eye glass.

  2. SO fun! I have never even thought of other colors being tuxedos! An interesting and thought provoking topic for us crazy cat ladies and gents for sure :).
    Have I told you lately how much I love your blog, your creativity and your art?!
    Purrs and hugs,

  3. Thanks, Ladies! Carrie--it seems we have a mutual admiration society going--your creations just get more and more fabulous!


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!