April 20, 2010

A Funny Thing Happened...

Did you ever go shopping and come home with something entirely different than what you set out to find?

It happened to Cat Lady Karen one fateful day...

"My son and I went down to IKEA in New Jersey to purchase some furniture for his dorm room. On the way home we decided to stop at Petco to get some Koi fish. We had just installed a 100-gallon pond and were experimenting with some small fish."

There happened to be a cat adoption event in progress and that's when they made the fateful decision to take a look at the kitties. They saw a darling little black Bombay fellow and, as Karen says, "That was it."

"We left the pet shop with Jet [the new adoptee], food, toys. and snacks. When we returned, my husband and daughter were rolling on the floor with laughter.....Who goes shopping in NJ and comes home with a cat?"

"Jet is a house cat ...I feel very sad that he can not join us, but it is for his health and safety. We have put a gate up on our deck so he can sun himself and be a part of the family when the weather turns nice...When he gets out on the deck he chases the leaves and bugs; it is funny to watch him running around.

"Jet is also under the impression that every plant that I bring home belongs to him. We have a lovely pony tail palm that he can't leave alone. One day we left it out...and by the time we arrived home from work he had chewed every lovely palm frond right down to the trunk of the plant... he was just laying there with a look of satisfaction. He is a great companion, he is a heat-seeker, so he will gladly hog all the covers at night. I wake up at night hanging off the bed...

Thanks for visiting!

1 comment:

  1. LOL!!! Sounds like me too! Love the painting also. Just gorgeous colors! Jeannine


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