March 30, 2010


Illustration Friday

Here's to all of the loving, compassionate souls in the world who volunteer their time and their hearts to animal rescue, whether it be TNR (trap, neuter, release) programs for feral cats, fostering homeless cats and dogs until they find forever homes, or adopting special needs pets.

One such loving heart is Cat Lady Deb, who has adopted a number of special needs pets. Pictured here is Samantha Jo, a very special rescue who was blessed with a copper "kissing spot" on her forehead.

Deb tells us: "She loved to sit in windows and watch the world go by. She was very afraid to be outside...She was an awesome little love. Sam was the first cat that I had in my adult life and together we had many life adventures. She came to me as a rescue, found by a five-year-old child who was walking in the woods behind the family farm.

"The family had her in a horse barn tucked in a rabbit hutch. For some odd reason, I opened the door, sat down, and called out her name...Sam. She came right to me and sat on my lap and immediately purred. She captured my heart with her big green eyes and the copper spot on the top of her head, which through time, affectionately became known as her 'kissing spot.'

Thanks for visiting!


  1. I love the addition of the food dishes with names! Great touch!

  2. I love the story and Sam. I like the warm cheek Sam has in the window.

  3. Charming plea and paintings.


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