February 14, 2010

Sweethearts and Hissy Fits

Tuxedo cat Squeaky and terrific tabby Pandora can tell you: it's a little scary to take the big plunge and move in together. Questions arise such as: Just who gets to sit on the top perch of the scratching post? Will there be separate water bowls? What if the other cat looks at me funny and my claws accidentally slip out?

Sweethearts Cat Lady Karen and Feline Fella Ali, on the other hand, are quite ready to take the next big step. Karen explains: "We have decided to merge our households this Valentine's Day weekend. The most complex and stressful aspect for us has been figuring out how to successfully transition from 2 homes with 2 solo cats to one pair of cats !

"While Ali's cat Pandora, and my cat Squeaky, are on their own the most loving and docile cats you can imagine, our early attempts at acquainting them (via afternoon play dates) resulted in the usually timid Squeaky perched on the kitchen counter hissing.

"Since then, we've done research and made endless inquiries to vets and other cat-knowledgeable folks to figure out the best strategy for ensuring a successful meeting and providing for a peaceful home for both cats and people in the future. We think we're ready!"

Here's wishing Karen and Ali the happiest of Valentines Days with many more to come. May everyone's loving households be hissy-fit free today and always!!

When Karen isn't mediating cats, she creates beautiful stoneware pottery. Be sure to visit Karen's pottery studio at: http://www.etsy.com/shop/karenrobertspottery/

Do you have any tips for bringing new cats together into a new household? Leave your suggestions in the comments at the end of this post.

1 comment:

  1. I love the "hissy-fit free ". My advice, let them be, but keep an eye and ear out for fights. They eventually will get use to each other. All my animals now and past have. Happy Valentine's day!


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