February 27, 2010

Prototypes Galore (And a Giveaway Too!)

Here is a peek at what my friend Necchi
and I have been up to:

The ancient sewing machine and I have been abuzz making prototypes for sachets and scented mini pillows with Spring and Mothers Day in mind! I'm told I am in the midst of R and D (research and development)--who knew R and D could be so much fun?

Each kitty is filled with one of my favorite flowers--lavender--and I found great little heart charms to add to each collar. The lavender is heavenly--my art studio smells like Spring!

And now for the GIVEAWAY part!

I need your very important input
as a part of R and D:

If you had to choose, would you prefer a FANCIFUL cat like the one on the left, or a FUR-REAL cat that looked more like an actual cat that you know and love?

Please leave your answer in the Comments section of this post. The giveaway will end Monday night at 7 p.m. I will choose 6 names
(that's SIX lucky winners folks, the odds are in your favor) at random from this post and my Facebook page and each winner will receive one of these prototypes! Bear in mind that there are slight variations in the prototypes and they may vary slightly from the photos...

Please make sure that I have a way to contact you if you are the winner, such as a link to your blog or e-mail address included in the comment.

Also, if you encounter trouble with the Comments feature, please contact me by e-mail at art--you'll find a link under my Profile

Thanks for participating!!!


  1. I LOVE them... they are adorable! I have made some from kitty fabric which aren't as special as yours and stuffed them with catnip to give to kitty friends as little gifties!

    Those are a treasure!

  2. These kittens are fabulous.. I love them all.. but my favorite ones are the one of the right that he has the stripes why them if they seem with my cat Theo.
    I would be the happiest person of the world if it wins one of them.
    thank you for letting to announce me.

  3. OK my ADHD didn't allow me to read before I posted! SORRY! I like the fanciful kitties! But why not PURRoduce both! I'd love to see a knockout of my own cats printed on fabric and stuffed- HOW cool would that be???

  4. Omg, that's a really difficult choice to make since both are just adorable. My choice depends on where I would place the kitty - the fanciful one would go to my bedroom and the fur-real to the livingroom.
    After some serious consideration I'll go for the fanciful one. Because it reminds me of the upcoming spring.

  5. Such a difficult decision! The fancifuls are wonderful, but I also wouldn't mind a furreal! I think our 15 lb mixed feline, who looks like a very dark blue-eyed siamese(with the exception of her weight) would be so difficult to recreate that I must choose a fanciful!

    Thanks for the opportunity!

    Tamara Tipton

  6. That's a tough decision! I really like the Fanciful but it would also be nice to have one that looks like one of my own kitties, such as Tiki, my beautiful long haired calico, or Spencer, my gorgeous Flame Point himmy! Can't wait for the giveaway! You can contact me on my FB page: http://www.facebook.com/RustyDawgPetProducts if I'm one of the lucky winners!

  7. All the cats are so cute! BUT, if I absolutely HAD to choose, I'd choose the fanciful ones.

  8. Wow, both styles are just wonderful!!! Bowie, Stella, Grey Kitty and I all talked it over, and by a very slight margin, the Fur-Real kitties came out on top. But we love both, and hope you'll do both styles!

    Linda and her 3 Cats

  9. Both are lovely...but in the end...I would say Fanicful (left) because...one: not all ou cats have tabby stripes or that coloring; two-I adore the colors of the Fanciful; three-Fanciful one looks more magical and can represent anyone of of our cats; four - if we want a cat that looks like our own, we'd just order a custom portrait from you! FYI - Lavender is my fave too...and might be concerned (with cats around) about the locket (if you have naughty kitties on your hands!)

    Good Luck with your latest line after R&D!

    Alison (Cat Lady #333)
    Keely & Fiona

  10. I think they are equally wonderful, but it would be whimsical for me!

  11. I would go with the whimsical one. For business purposes, I think it would be way to hard to please everyone if you did a "real" cat. There are just too many beautiful variations of coat and eye colors to satisfy everyone.

    The whimsical one however, is quirky and fun. And the creative possibilities are endless. I think it would be cute to do themes. So that people can match up their love of cats with a style they love. Mod cat? Post cat? Floral Cat? Vintage cat? Modern cat? Minimal cat? And the list goes on.

    Hope this helps?

  12. Your creativity always inspires me. I'm off to create little gifties of my own.

    I particularly like the fanciful kitties, as they feed the kitty spirit in my soul.

    Thank you for the warm splash of sunlight and catnip inspired dreaming.

  13. I love them both, but I am partial to the one with stripes because it reminds me of my Briggs. They are adorable!

  14. Fanciful all the way!!! I want one, I want one!

  15. freesekim@gmail.com
    It is SOOOO hard to choose! If I were purchasing, I would probably buy one of each! If I were chosen to receive one as an award, (I would probably say "you pick please?"), but if I HAVE to choose, I would say the one Fur Real ... the Fanciful is so fun and whimsical though too! You have wonderful things! Just purchased a fairy print as a gift for my best friend too; can't wait to give it to her! <3

  16. p.s. please let us know when they are available for purchase?!

  17. I also love them both. Unless it favors my "real" kitties, I am not sure I would buy a fur-real one. I know that I would love the fanciful one (especially in purple!). I love my fanciful pins and I beleive Fancy makes an appearance on my CCCL membership documents.
    Keep up the grrrreat work!!

  18. Difficult decision! All a matter of personal choice. Both are adorable!I would choose fanciful for myself because I love the bright colors. But.... a swirly orange one like my Cecil would be a very close second choice. Nice idea! Don't know what size they are but small ones filled with catnip would be great too! Rose Catlady338

  19. I like the Fanciful ones. They are so cute. What a great idea. I would love to have either one.

  20. THIS cat lady LOVES all of them...so adorable, but I think for S***S and GIGGLES, I would go for the whimsical...usually when it comes to cats in art I like the look of real, but YOUR whimsicals are just TOO DARLING!!
    Please Pick me :) I haven't had a "stuffed animal" of my own in at least 15 years, LOL I would be honored to have one of these as my first "shelf adornments" in my new craft room (still under construction)

    Thanks for the opportunity!
    Pieces of Fate


  21. I think that they are both really great but I would go with the Furreal ones :) It would be really cool if you could specify the colors! or stuffed them with catnip for a little kitty :)

  22. dkatpurrson@gmail.com loves both kitty styles, and i agree - make both! you could even do the 'fur-real' in fanciful color combos - a pink-and-green striped kitty? hmmm! ultimately, i say let your imagination run wild! i love your work so much! (too many !!! but i just can't help myself)
    thanks, deborrah

  23. Fur-real for-sure! Those other ones look too much like my sister Patches and I'd like one that looks like me or my Nannybug.

  24. My favorite is the tuxedo! I do love the fanciful cat/kitten designs I've seen on your candle tins and buttons etc. but I love finding any cat items that look like one of our beloved tuxedos. They are such classic and classy looking cats!

  25. omg! they're so cute it's really hard to choose between the two styles. I think I would prefer the real cat but with a fanciful painted collar :)

  26. Adorable. I really love the furr-real ones best. You are very talented and I think they should sell very quickly. Love your blog.
    Deb Steckly
    Just Cats

  27. I like the furreal ones but the fancy ones are gorgeous too. You are very talented and I love your blog. I live with 6 cats and would love to win one.

    Just Cats
    Deb Steckly

  28. I love cats, I have four myself! :)even my etsy avatar is a cat.... http://TheCheekyGirl.etsy.com

  29. Just beautiful. I love the lavender one............brown is not a fav color of mine. By the way......you are very creative. Whenever I see a post from you, I drink in all the creativity. Thanks for choosing life.

  30. just lovely! they are both wonderful but if I had a choice, I think I'd go for the fanciful one.


  31. These are fantastic!! I love the striped ones. You are constantly amazing me. :) Sarah

  32. I love them both, but I have to say I'd go for the fanciful ones. I love the different patterns that would never be found in nature. I love the imagination of it all.

    And even if I don't win one, they are still so cute and I plan on getting one later. :-)

  33. Wellllllllll...being partial to grey tabbies, I should say THAT one...however, the fanciful one is just so filled with whimsy ( could also be affected by the previews to Alice in Wonderland tonight :o)

    Nancy & Angus


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!