February 4, 2010

Dog Dude or Feline Fella?

Does the guy in your life prefer cats or dogs? Please take my very scientific poll--you'll find it at the top of the right-hand column. Don't have a spouse? Tell us about your sweetheart, dad, brother, nephew or son...If you ARE a guy, tell us about yourself!

After you've voted in the poll, leave a comment at the end of this post that says "I voted!" You will be entered for a chance to win your choice of any one refrigerator magnet from my Cafepress online shop ! One name will be drawn at random when the poll closes at 11:00 p.m. February 11 PST.

Thanks for participating!

Would you like a Custom Dog Dude or Feline Fella Portrait? ...A one-of-a-kind and very affordable gift for any animal lover...For pricing and options, please visit my Etsy online gallery by clicking here: CUSTOM PET PEOPLE PORTRAITS


  1. I voted! My husband Ron treats our three cats like children, and spoils them all day while I'm at work! (he's retired) He also volunteers two days a week at Angelcat Haven Feline Rescue, cleaning and caring for the cats!
    Rose (cat lady 338)

  2. I voted. My boyfriend loves both cats and dogs. He is a little afraid of dogs because he got attacked by one when he was 12. This does not keep him from loving them though!!

  3. Very nice portraits! I vote it :)

  4. I have voted, my husband much prefers dogs and tries to get my cat/kitten to sit and wait like a dog - they just ignore him!

  5. I voted! Hubby is a total cat person and spoils the babies rotten.

  6. I voted. The Husband thinks he's a dog person but he loves our cats. Someday, we'll get a dog, when we're home more, but for now, we both love our kitties.

  7. I voted!
    My husband is a Cat man.


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!