February 11, 2010

A Birthday Surprise!

There is nothing more fun than being in on a Top Secret Birthday Surprise, so I was VERY excited when Skeezix the Cat and his Food Lady asked me to create a portrait of Daisy the Curly Cat for her birthday! Daisy is a famous and talented cat who writes one of the most popular blogs in the entire Pet Blogosphere. She is an adorable dilute calico Devon Rex cat who has the most stylish and extensive wardrobe of any cat I've ever seen, and she loves pink! Daisy has beautiful curly whiskers, and she shares her home and adventures with the handsome rascalcat Harley who occasionally engages in a bit of sibling rivalry...

It was very hard to decide which of Daisy's beautiful outfits to use for the portrait, but Skeezix and the Food Lady narrowed it down to three. I went with the Pink Lady outfit because that poodle skirt is just so darn cute!

Yesterday was Daisy's birthday and you can read all about what she thought of her surprise here: The Best Present, Ever. You can also see a photo of Daisy actually wearing the poodle skirt! I am SO honored that the Food Lady and Skeezix chose me to make this special gift, and SO delighted that Daisy and her Mommeh liked it!
(Get well soon, Food Lady!)

Thanks for visiting!


  1. hi, i saw your beautiful gift for daisy this morning. what lovely artwork! i think your work is very special. i only wish i had seen your website before i bought my plain sigg bottle! i'll be back!

  2. I wanted to stop by and tell you that I love your work. The Daisy portrait was amazing! I'm sure Daisy and her mommeh will treasure it forever. You made a lot of people on the innertubes smile today. Purrrrfect.


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