November 17, 2009

Cat Lady No. 316... Qualifications

Cat Lady Sara knows that there is a fine line between being a Cat Lady and being a CRAZY Cat Lady, and although she only has just one cat, Callie, she may still qualify for the special designation of CRAZY.

Based on the comments so far in the 365 Cat Ladies Giveaway for November, you may be a Crazy Cat Lady or Lad if:

-You volunteer at an animal rescue or shelter organization
-Your cat has his or her own blog

-You are a foster parent to one or more kittens living in your bathroom
-You enjoy writing humorous poetry about your furry friends
-You refer to your darlings as "furkids"

-Your cat goes on vacations with you

But the most important qualification of all?
- You are CRAZY about cats!!

Thanks for visiting!

Have you entered the 365 Cat Ladies Giveaway for November? The giveaway ends at 7 p.m. PST on November 22 when one name will be drawn at random from all those who have left a comment at that post. Winner will receive their choice of one of these jumbo Cat Lady tote bags from my Cafepress
online shop.

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