November 9, 2009

Cat Ladies 305 and 306...Gobble Green Idea No. 3

Cat Lady Delia and Cat Lady Tehani aren't quite ready to become full-time vegetarians, but several months ago the two friends started a Meatless Monday Supper Club. Knowing that eating less meat is healthier for their families and for the planet, once a week they get together to share recipes and enjoy a meatless meal.

Even Kittens Inky and Keoki get in on the act and enjoy a vegetarian meal each Monday, although the jury is still out on whether cats should have an entirely vegetarian diet or not...

Meatless Monday has been such a success that Delia and Tehani are now planning a Vegetarian Thanksgiving!

The Veggie has some great menu ideas and recipes for a Non-Turkey Turkey Day....and has some suggestions for Faux Turkey, if you aren't quite ready to give-up the turkey tradition....


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