October 26, 2009

Cat Lady No. 295...Bumbershoot Blunder

Cat Lady Katie in Chicago depends on her bumbershoot this time of year to keep herself and her new kitten Chloe dry. Until today she had always assumed that the word "bumbershoot" was a British expression.

Not so, said her co-worker Alice who hails from London. She said she had never heard the word until she came to the U.S. So they went to the internet and found this helpful, and apparently well-researched, explanation: The Word Bumbershoot

Who knew that it " seems to have been yet another of those gloriously facetious bits of wordplay so characteristic of America in the nineteenth century"...

Thanks for visiting!

This original ACEO watercolor illustration is the second in a brand new series called "Raindrops & Kittens" and has just been listed for sale in my Etsy shop...add it to your collection by visiting
Raindrops and Kittens No. 2 ACEO Art

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