October 23, 2009

Cat Lady No. 292...A Day of Climate Action

In early December Cat Lady Sigrid and feline friend Petronella will be welcoming world leaders to their hometown of Copenhagen, Denmark, to craft a new global treaty on reducing emissions and stemming global warming.

In preparation for that historic meeting, thousands of events will take place tomorrow during the International Day of Climate Action. People in 181 countries are coming together for the most widespread day of environmental action in the planet's history. At over 4500 events around the world, people are gathering to call for strong action and bold leadership on the climate crisis, based on respected science from researchers and scientists around the world.

To find out how you can participate, visit the website: http://www.350.org

Thanks for visiting!

This brand new watercolor painting, called "Let It Snow", is another sneak peek at one of the fine art Cat Ladies that will be part of a special art exhibit at Lawrence Gallery Sheridan here in Oregon. "Gallery Gals Holiday Art Exhibit" will take place November 1 through December 31, and will feature the work of four gallery staff members, including yours truly!

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