October 18, 2009

Cat Lady No. 287...Green Halloween

Inspired by Cat Lady Narissa, Cat Lady Lorna and feline friend Begonia want to make their Halloween green too.

Lorna found some great ideas from the Nature Conservancy...In addition to making costumes for the kids out of recycled items, she plans to buy organic pumpkins, roast the seeds for snacks, put the cooked pulp into spicy muffins, and once their jack-o-lanterns are history, she will compost them.

Treats will be collected in biodegradable paper shopping bags that the kids will decorate themselves. And on the big night, Lorna and Begonia will turn out all of the lights (except the porch light) and await the arrival of ghosts and goblins, appeasing them with earth-friendly treats!

Thanks for visiting!


  1. I love the fall glow on her cheeks! I'm amazed how much personality fits into each of these little kitty portraits!


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