October 6, 2009

Cat Lady No. 275...Happy Birthmonth, Libras!

There comes a time in every Cat Lady's life when she becomes too old to get carded, and too young to take advantage of the senior discount at the all-you-can-eat buffet.

That is precisely why Libra Cat Lady Caroline has decided to give up celebrating birthDAYS in favor of celebrating birthMONTHS, with the help of her purrfectly balanced pair of party animals, Bob and Barry.

The month was kicked off with luncheons with various friends, a barbeque, and a day at the spa. Festivities will continue with chocolate cake every Tuesday and the receiving of gifts every day from 3 until 7. Harmony and balance are important to Libras, so the singing of "Happy Birthmonth To You" is entirely optional, unless you have perfect pitch.

If your cat is in middle-age, you may want to consider celebrating its birthmonth with a catnip-toy-a-day theme. Is your cat a Libra? Click these links to check out its profile and its horoscope.

Thanks for visiting!

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