October 1, 2009

Cat Lady No. 270...The Results Are In!

Cat Lady Hagatha and Assistant Cat Batty have two announcements to make.

First, based on the very scientific 365 Cat Ladies poll, their friend Nancy - who was in search of a more beguiling, less acceptable, more mysterious, less predictable, more bewitching name--has changed her name to Esmerelda.

Esmerelda was the most popular name in the poll with 23% of the votes. To Hagatha's delight, Hagatha was the second most popular name with 14% of the votes. Thank you to all who put in their 2 cents worth!

The second of the announcements is the winner of the 365 Cat Ladies September Giveaway No. 2. In a random drawing, commenter #11 was determined to be the winner. Congratulations Irena!! In a stunning and ironic turn of events, it appears that the winner of the Cat Lady Giveaway is a certified Dog Person! (Hey, we are an equal opportunity pet lover blog here and adore our woofie friends )...You'll find Irena's delightful arwork on her blog Just Crazy About Dogs and in her Etsy Shop. Thank you to everyone who participated!

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