September 18, 2009

Cat Lady No. 258...Coasting Along..

Cat Lady Mermaid Merriwether and her cat fish Typhoon Tiger want you to know that tomorrow, Sept 19, is International Coastal Clean-up Day.

Last year, nearly 400,000 volunteers collected more than 6.8 million pounds of trash in 100 countries and 42 US states during the 2008 International Coastal Cleanup — the world's largest volunteer effort of its kind. To find out where you can participate in your area, visit the Ocean Conservancy Coastal Clean-up Webpage

If you aren't able to volunteer tomorrow, there are many other ways that you can help out, such as picking up trash along ANY waterway during the other 364 days a year! Merriweather and her ocean-mates will thank you!

Thanks for visiting!

For details on how to enter the 365 Cat Ladies September Giveaway No. 2 click on the link!

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