September 8, 2009

Cat Lady No. 248...The Name Game

Cat Lady Zelda just got a telephone call from her best friend Nancy. Nancy couldn't wait to tell Zelda about all of the great names suggested so far in the 365 Cat Ladies Giveaway No. 1 for September.

As you may recall, Nancy wants to change her name to something more beguiling, less acceptable, more mysterious, less predictable, more BEWITCHING...

"Matilda" is the favorite so far, having been mentioned twice. Nancy was leaning toward Hagatha, but Zelda pointed out that any name with "hag" in it should probably be avoided. Zelda thinks that Esmerelda is a much more beguiling moniker...

Black Cat Beauregard, however, likes the name Castaspella, suggested by Cat Lady Carm: "We all know that Cat Ladies are all under the spell of their beloved kitties"...!

Do you have a suggestion or want to give a thumbs up to a name already suggested? Just enter it in the comments section of this post: SEPTEMBER GIVEAWAY No. 1 for a chance to win a bewitching tote bag! Thanks for participating!

BEWITCHING Halloween t-shirts, note cards, and gifts are magically just a click away at my Cafepress Shop


  1. Samantha is about as Bewitched as you can get and has always been a personal favorite of mine..!


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