September 6, 2009

Cat Lady No. 246...September Giveaway No. 1

Cat Lady Nancy never knows where her cat Inky Dinky will pop up. Yesterday it was in the spinach souffle. Today, it's in the 365 Cat Ladies Giveaway No. 1 for September.

Nancy needs your help. Nancy wants a new name. Now don't get her wrong, she's met a lot of lovely other Nancys in her lifetime. But she's always dreamed of a far more beguiling, less acceptable, more mysterious, less predictable, more BEWITCHING name.

Can you help her?

Just leave your suggestion in the comments section of this post.

You will be entered into a drawing for the dandy tote bag pictured here, purrfect for collecting or distributing sweets and treats on spooky holidays or for hauling around your special ingredients from the secret potions emporium. Giveaway ends on the evening of September 15, when one name will be drawn at random.

Please make sure that I have a way to contact you if you are a winner, such as a link to your blog or e-mail address, or contact me directly at my e-mail with your info...

Also, if you encounter trouble with the Comments feature, you may send your entry by e-mail by clicking "view my complete profile" at the end of "About Me" where you will find an e-mail link...

Thanks for participating!

You'll find this tote and more BEWITCHING Halloween t-shirts, note cards, and gifts at my Cafepress Shop:


  1. She looks like a Matilda :-)!

  2. Could be Svetlana :) Name means "light" but even though her hair is dark, she shines from inside. All your cat ladies do :)

  3. Hmm what about Celeste or Celesta?
    Or if a Highlander fan there's Cassandra hehehe

  4. How about...Katarina!


  5. I think the name Hagatha fits all of your criteria:
    more beguiling, less acceptable, more mysterious, less predictable, and most important: sounds very BEWITCHING!! :-)

  6. I think Castaspella is a good name for Nancy! We all know that Cat Ladies are all under the spell of their beloved kitties.

  7. I was all ready to reply that Nancy surely does look like a Matilda to me ... then clicked the Comments link and saw Janie's post!

    I still think she looks like a Matilda, but I bow to the lady who beat me to it!

  8. How about Madelaine? Catrina is also a good cat lady name.

  9. What about Isabel?

    It is from the movie Bewitched. Doesn't get anymore witch like than that...
    (I was going to say Samantha, but it is already suggested.)

  10. I vote for Lola, very beguiling, unacceptable, bewitching name. Makes her sound like a sexy kitten :)

  11. Since Samantha and Esmerelda have been taken, I vote for Blanche.

  12. I like the name Catalina.

  13. I think Anastasia would be good!

  14. I'd have to go with Tabitha. It's both witchy and catty (-er, you know what I mean).

  15. How about Miss Elisabeth

  16. Endora from the Bewitched TV show.

    adio Show: The Best of What's Legal

  17. Maybe Vivian? Or for less exotic but still unexpected it could be Jillian. Something shorter? Eve or Eva. Or Evvy? I guess my vote is for Eve, or Vivian, or Jillian, in that order.

  18. My name is Nancy and for years my alias is McGill, per "Rocky Raccoon" by the Beatles: Her name was McGill, she called herseilf Lil, but everyone knew her as Nancy". Very mysterious, bewitching, bothering and bewildering...

  19. i believe Millicent would be a perfect new name for your cat lady!

  20. My choice would be Siobhan. I know a Siobhan who is the BEST cat mom (and crazy cat lady) I know.

  21. How about Lilian as a tribute to Lilian Jackson Braun who wrote the wonderful Cat Who books? She looks like a Lilian to me!!

  22. Cute bag. Hallowwen is my favorite holiday.I have a black cat named D.C. (Daredevil Cat) and at least 4 black ferals plus a couple who use to black in their younger days. Now some age from age.
    Tabitha or Elvira

  23. Grisella sounds like a good name!

  24. Submitted by email by Cat Lady Nancy:

    Since Nancy means Graceful one, how about Gracie. It's also a city near Lorraine France, which I was named after, so could call her Frenchi.

    Since my name is Nancy I know how she feels about it.

    Thanks for the contest,

  25. I'm kind of partial to Matilda and Esmerelda!!

  26. I like Nadia or Natasha

  27. Gee, I think my first post did not take. I like the name Elsbeth.

  28. How about Gertrude?

  29. Wilhelmina. It's an old classic. The was Wilhelmina, Queen of the Netherlands for instance.

    It's from German decent, indicating protection.


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!