September 4, 2009

Cat Lady No. 244...Things That Go Bump

When Cat Lady Lavancha hears something go {{BUMP}} in the night, nine times out of 10 she can blame it on Fang, her jet black feline friend.

Fang amuses himself during bouts of insomnia by testing gravity, to make sure it's still there. Objects are carefully guided to the brink of a precipice, nudged over the edge, and with any luck gravity will kick in and a {{
BUMP}} will ensue. Fang finds his work particularly satisfying, and appreciates how in the morning Lavancha will carefully restore each object to its original location for the next round of testing.

The other 10 percent of the {{
BUMPs}} are unaccounted for, as Fang is always snuggled beside Sally in bed when they happen. Lavancha thinks that the bats in the belfry are to blame, but she'd rather not wake up Fang to go see for sure...heaven forbid he should have another bout of insomnia...

Thanks for visiting!

Cat ladies in progress...
Here is a sneak peek at some of Lavancha's dearest friends

Do you love things that go bump in the night ?...You'll find Lavancha and Fang on a variety of Halloween t-shirts, note cards, gifts and trick-or-treat tote bags at: Black Cat Lady No. 1


  1. That's adorable! And it's such fun to see what you have in progress.

  2. PURRecious! Love cats and Halloween! Black cats and pumpkin colored pussycats!

  3. Your Cat Ladies are just marvelous! And yes, I love things that go Bump in the night ... around here we usually find chocolate point Siamese, Sasha, in the midst of the mayhem!


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!