August 30, 2009

Cat Lady No. 239...Story Time

Classroom Cat Meemee Meowmeow always loves story time. That's when Cat Lady Teacher Ms. Lucy reads out loud from a storybook, pausing after each page to hold up the beautiful pictures so that the entire classroom can see.

Today's story is Alexander and the Wind-up Mouse, written and illustrated by Leo Lionni, about a real mouse and a m
echanical wind-up mouse.

Here are two great
book reviews, with illustrations.

The first review is by Scribbler, who "obsessively seeks out children's books of old" to share with her son and also sells vintage kids' books on Etsy:

The second review is by Danielle K. who was 7 years old at the time of writing the review:

Thanks for visiting!

Just Listed! These three ACEO miniature watercolor paintings are now available in my Etsy Shop! Stop by and see what else is new...

1 comment:

  1. Your art and talent are remarkable!


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