August 2, 2009

Cat Lady No. 211...Let it Snow

Cat Lady Helga is a prize-winning snow sculptor and especially enjoys sculpting likenesses of tabby cat Heidi. But snow pets will have to wait, because today in Toronto it was a beautiful summer day at 80 degrees without a flake of snow in sight.

In the mean time Helga and Heidi are content to enjoy photos of previous masterpieces created by the Canadian Snow Sculpture Team while they dream of winter wonderlands to come...

Stop using up and throwing away plastic or styrofoam cups at the office or workplace. Be stylish and eco-friendly with a re-usable ceramic mug. I have dozens of designs to choose from: Susan Faye Mugs

You can find many more great gift items featuring Helga and Heidi in my Cafepress shop: Let It Snow No. 3

1 comment:

  1. Awwwwww, so cute with the cat wearing the scarf :)

    I found your blog by browsing Lauren Alexander's followers.
    She's generously donated one of her prints for a Giveaway on my blog. When you have a moment, come check it out on my blog here:

    Have a lovely week,
    Kara Witham


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