August 10, 2009

Cat Ladies Nos. 219 and 220...Queen for A Day

You might not realize it at first, but there are actually three Cat Ladies in this family portrait, and all of them are blonde!

As Cat Lady Alex tells it: "Ten years ago Sasha the dog found a black kitten hiding in a pipe
[that kitten now goes by the name of Licorice, and is pictured above] . Later that year Sasha found a feral cat mother and her three kittens. Twice a day Sasha would lead us to their hiding place so we could feed them. The long-haired white kitten [now known as Fluffy, also pictured above] would run out to greet Sasha and they would touch noses. As the kitten grew older, he would walk along side Sasha when she took her walks." Eventually the kitten was corralled, brought home, and Sasha and Fluffy have slept together every night since.

Over the years, felines Ruffy and Kipper were also rescued, and have been quite pleased with their accommodations ever since. You see, when Cat Lady Sandra is in charge of pet care, it's just like staying at a 5-star resort as Cat Lady Alex reports:

Room service: She brings the food to wherever they are, offers them two flavors so they can choose, and will even hand feed them.

Maid service
: She changes their bedding daily and cleans their litter boxes immediately after they use them.

Concierge service: She buys them new toys, finds T.V. shows about their favorite animals like elephants and lizards, and buys each their favorite treat.

But today it is Cat Lady Sandra's turn to be Queen for a Day and treated like royalty! The whole gang--Alex, Sasha, Licorice, Fluffy, Ruffy Kipper, and Budgie--have gathered with a very special wish:



  1. Beautiful. Quite a variety of cuteness in those pets :)

  2. Another LEO Cat Lady! Happy Birthday! Yet another interesting cat family story! How very sweet- sometimes woofies can be GR8 friends!


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