August 14, 2009

365 Cat Ladies Giveaway for August

It's time to flex your creative writing muscles and enter the 365 Cat Ladies Giveaway for August! The theme is Cat Haiku. Give it a try. Just for fun. See what you (or your cat) can come up with, and leave it in the comments section of this post.

New to haiku? The simplified version of haiku is usually described as an un-rhymed, three-line poem of 5 syllables, 7 syllables, and 5 syllables, like this:

cat haiku contest:
fun with words and crazy cats
might earn big reward!

There are hundreds of examples online--just do a search for "cat haiku". There are even enti
re books on the subject: Cat Haiku Books on Amazon

Contest ends the evening of August 31. One winner will be selected at random and will receive their choice of one of these tote bags from my CafePress Shop pictured above.

Please make sure that I have a way to contact you if
you are a winner, such as a link to your blog or e-mail address, or contact me directly at my e-mail with your info...

Also, if you encounter trouble with the Comments feature, you may send your entry by e-mail by clicking "view my complete profile" at the end of "About Me" where you will find an e-mail link...

Thanks for participating!


  1. Bailey, Cassie and
    Phantom, Pru and Madeline
    My five awesome cats

  2. Sent in by email:

    my fur on her clothes
    why bother with the lint brush?
    I will just leave more

    -Daisy Mae and mom Vanessa

    [if you experience trouble with Comments feature, please submit by email]

  3. With a constant purr
    I roll him off of my face
    To finally get some sleep

  4. All bags are for me!
    Pouncing, diving and... shopping?
    My fur goes with you.

    ~ Victor Tabbycat & Tabbymom Jen

  5. I meow for you
    mommy do not ignore me
    will you play with me

  6. Fur on my jacket
    Creamy colors tipped with black
    Love waiting at home

  7. Six cats spend their time
    stretched out snoozing in the sun
    I'd love to be them!

  8. Big blue eyes I see
    Looking fondly back at me
    Two hearts purr as one

  9. oh brillant orange cat
    little prince of the sunset
    feline spirit guide

    CCL Carm- about her Pride...

  10. Crazy cat ladies
    Are very special people
    Hearts filled with much love

  11. Another email entry:

    I don't write haiku
    but my cat does
    and he needs a bag

    Summerville, SC

  12. Cat one humbly asks
    "How can I steal affection
    from cat number two?"

  13. Anti-depressant?
    Felis silvestris catus -

  14. Sleeping next to me
    Furry faces, soft whiskers
    Cats purring their love

  15. i so love my mom.
    she is mom to all of us,
    twenty two in all!

  16. from Susy

    I would be a flea
    To run in the lush meadow
    Of a big cat's fur

  17. "Mom!", they call to me
    "Its time to eat our dinner!"
    I fill bowls at once

  18. Tail twitches, eyes stare
    Lower jaw chatters quickly
    Why stay outside, bird?

  19. padded feet, silent
    body moves with fluidness
    cat, in perfect form

  20. Sociable Burmese
    Always having a fun time!
    Can I play with you?

  21. Plump Baby Twinkle
    Won't fit in Cat Ladies Bag.
    Skinny Cee Cee will!

  22. Submitted by email by Cat Lady Jane:

    a flea and tick bath
    is not a welcome action
    cats would like to get

    (this is because we just did this - both of us I bathed her and she bathed me back.)

  23. Submitted by email:

    A bag I can hide
    in from evil things without.
    Chin rub. Eyes squint. Purr.

    -- Bibi Girl

    sent by her "meowmie"

  24. Submitted by email by Cat Lady Julie:

    A pat to the face
    Five Forty Five Saturday
    Time to get up...Food!

    -Life is full of chaos with moments of stability-

  25. Submitted by email:

    One orange cat was saved
    from the fate of losing life
    now gives life to me

    Thanks! That was fun!
    Tricia Z

  26. Submitted by email from Koffeekat:

    Crazy cat lady?
    No, eccentric female fan
    Of all things feline.

  27. Cats out on the street
    Hoping, Praying for a home
    Please, opt to adopt!

    - Franky, Brady and cat mom Stephanie, volunteer at a no-kill animal shelter.. A good way to get the message out there. =^_^=

  28. Submitted by email by Cat Lady Tammy:

    My big green eyes gaze
    At my crazy cat lady
    With undying love

  29. Shiny black coal fur
    Lithe as a mini panther
    my green eyed Seamus

  30. Kreepy kitty has
    the biggest ears I have seen
    and looks like an alien


  31. Julius, Marley;
    Leave their paw prints on my heart;
    Hair everywhere else.

  32. Big flash, noisy storm.
    Feline hides in the closet.
    He's a scardy-cat.

    (This from an hour ago.)

  33. Little DollAugust 23, 2009

    sweet kitties live here
    my loving fur babies cozily curled
    become fine decor

  34. Wonderful sunshine
    Warming my soft tabby fur
    Dreaming happy dreams

  35. One more cat makes nine
    When does the line stop shifting?
    The love is endless.

  36. I'm funny looking,
    But my PURRsunality
    Cloaks me in beauty.


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!