July 17, 2009

Cat Lady No. 196...Cat Hijinks

Canines are not the only pets who are loyal and like to play fetch!

After reading the entries in the July Giveaway, Cat Lady Maureen is amused to discover that Mistique is not alone in the cat world when it comes to steadfast love and the joy of retrieving:

Cat Lady Angela tells us: "Tosca's favorite game is fetch. She will fetch for up to an hour when motivated. Pipe cleaners are her favorite toy. If she isn't playing fetch with them, she is bathing them in her water dish."

Macaroni's Mom reports: "My 12-yr old tuxedo cat, Macaroni loves to play fetch. He will go find one of his pipe cleaners and bring it to me. I will throw it and he will jump in mid-air and catch the pipe cleaner and return it to me. This can go one for minutes. If I don't immediately throw the pipe cleaner, then he jumps in my lap and drops the pipe cleaner."

Cat Lady Lyz says: "My 4-yr-old, Marley, loves to play fetch with various small toys easy for him to pick up and carry, like stuffed mice. He gets especially excited if the toys is thrown in a direction in which he must leap over furniture or slide to a stop on a rug in order to capture and retrieve it."

Read more fun entries at the end of the July Giveaway post...and be sure to enter if you haven't already!

Thanks for visiting!

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