June 19, 2009

Cat Lady No. 168..It's June Giveaway Time!

Summer fun is just around the corner and it's time to start thinking about the purrfect getaway.

Cat Lady Noreen's vacation dream is to save her p
ennies and visit Venice one day. Feline Friend Spatter would like to tour the kitchens of Fishermans' Wharf , while Timmy the Turtle dreams of visiting the Galapagos Islands.

Do you or your cat have a dream vacation in mind?

Tell us in the comments section of this post and you will be entered into a drawing to win the Nature Lover Cat Lady tote bag pictured below!

This extra-large canvas bag has oodles of room to carry home all of your vacation souvenirs and treasures.

Contest ends the evening of June 30 and winner will be selected at random.

Happy trails to you!

Noreen and her friends, also known as "Nature Lovers No. 6", is available on giftware and t-shirts at my CafePress Shop:


  1. Well, Meowm dreams of going to Bora Bora and lounging on the beaches. As for my brother and I, I think we would enjoy anywhere that we can chase critters, lounge in the sun and be waited on. Hmmmmm....Bora bora might work for us too!

    Junior, Orion and Meowm

  2. Tamayo-the-Cat longs to go to exotic Turkey, home of the Swimming Van Cat breed, which he believes is in his genes, due to his markings and odd-eyes. Besides, he likes the name: turkey is his favorite catch of the day. I suppose I would indulge Tamayo and take him to Lake Van for a dip - but I admit I much prefer the inflatable backyard swimming pool at home!

  3. AnonymousJune 20, 2009

    Ah, to run wild in the National Aquarium in Baltimore! Too see all those fishies would be AMAZING!My brothers and sisters could touch starfish and stingrays...I wanna see the sharks! I know some of my siblings would LOVE to see the seal show, too. Yeah, someplace like the Aquarium would be the dream holiday.
    Jake and family

  4. My dream vacation is doing a stroller tour of England. Mommy, Daddy and I want to see Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Stratford-upon-avon and more! I also want to visit my Catster friends who live in England: Bruce, Bobbie and Betsy!

  5. Here is another entry from a reader who unfortunately encountered trouble with the comments form:

    Dibbles, Pippa and I have our hearts set on Italy! We would love to check out the sea life off the coast of Sicily, and get to know the famed Coliseum Cats. :-)

    Angie, Dibbles and Pippa
    Mimi the kitten (Blogger)

    (NOTE: if anyone else encounters the same trouble, please send your entry to my email which can be found in my "About Me" profile...)

  6. I think Tooey and I would enjoy a little ice fishing In Minnesota!


  7. We would like to vacation in the Canada land at a nice remote cabin in the woods. By a lake of course so that we could catch breakfast and lunch and umm maybe dinner too.

  8. Me'n Mam would like to have a staycation in our new house in Florida where we can hang out by the pool and schmooze wif my hooman aunts 'n uncles 'n my doggie cousin Summer, but we are still trying to sell our house in Michigan.

    Ollie Popoki,
    Princess of Her Domain

  9. Being a Fashionista and shop owner, I think I would like to go to Paris and shop for the latest designs for my shop. I would stroll down the Champs Elysee and see what everyone is wearing and shop in all the boutiques. I could then incorporate what I saw into my designs for my shop, Chez Frankie.

  10. My dream summer vacation for my furbabies would a solid month of no fleas for everyone, not just a few of them getting fleas drops as it is now. If they were all comfee and happy, I would be furstatic

  11. Our kitties-The 8GR8CATS are PURRfectly content at home and our dream vacation is a STAYCATION here at the golden retirement palace! We have every cat toy imaginable to entertain us! We just got a big beautiful sunflower cat tree to play and sleep on... We have a cat tree or condo in every window with bird feeders so we can watch birds and squirrels all day long! Our PURRsons are retired and they play with us and pet us all the time. I guess you might say it's PURRadise!!!

  12. Tiki and Busby would love to have our favorite toys toted in a super cute cat bag on a fun filled vacation at the Outer Banks. We could play with our catnip mousies and lounge in the sun while the family plays at the beach. Then they would shop for our fresh favorite fishy dinners each day.
    Yes, that's our idea of the best time ever.

  13. Meowmy and I would like to go back to Puerto Rico together.

    She dreams of walking in the warm ocean again. Going to visit the Gatos of Old San Juan, and trying to get other rescuers to start trying trap/neuter/return. (she can never stop the rescue human in her head)

    Meows would like to go visit my brothers and cousins, and say hello to Mrs & Dr Casta and show them how handsome I am now. They rescued me when my Fur Meowmy was killed.

    They would be shocked to see my beautiful mew eyes, and to see how I have survived juvenile diabetes.

    Purrs in happiness at the thought.

    Morgan the Pirate Gato

  14. Pippin is a brave explorer and would love to go to London with me and spend time exploring the Tower of London.

    Mellifera is such a beautiful cat we've decided she should go to Paris. We think she'd make a great fashion model!

  15. My cats and I would love a sunny, screened-in enclosure that let's in a slight breeze, surrounded by trees, birds, and other wildlife. The inside should be airy but homey, with a comfy chair where I could read and relax, and all my cats' favorite things: tall cat trees with scratching posts and U-shaped perches, a water fountain with cool, distilled water flowing into a shallow pool, plush pillow-top and memory-foam beds, edible grass and catnip growing in a few places, a crinkle sack for hiding, and a plethora of toys. Include room serivce at our beck and call capable of any request and we'd all be be in heaven.

  16. My mom and I would travel to the Florida Keys and see the real cats of Ernest Hemingway! Mom was an English teacher for many many years, and a cat lover for even longer. Hemingway was a true cat lover and mom taught from his books. Mom said I could eat real fish out of the ocean where Ernest Heminway himself fished if we went down there (after they were cooked and filleted of course). He had polydactyl cats like me who still live at his home, so I would not feel like such a freak! I would fit in for once! I could also watch all the pretty ocean birds and sea gulls from my stroller on the beach! Yes, It would be off to the Keys for my momma and me! What an adventure that would be!

  17. jessiejaneyJune 21, 2009

    Goldie likes to ride in the carrier to the vet's office with Chippy when Chippy gets his lion-cut grooming, and they both tell all the other cats there that there's nothing to be scared of. They help mommy buy some petfood to give out to some homeless pets and to poor neighborhood pet parents so that their little kitties can grow up big and strong.

  18. persephoneJune 21, 2009

    Sterling likes to be wherever I am..The best times are when we snuggle together and while I rub his cheeks, I sing his song to him and we drift off to sleep..Sterling is my Lovebug

  19. Kris and LeonJune 21, 2009

    I want to take Leon my Maine Coon to Croatia to meet my ancestor relatives. I miss not seeing them regularly and I know they would love him as much as I do.

    Kris, Leon and Ozark

  20. My ideal for my cats would be at home, with a nice cat tree inside and a lovely escape-proof cat enclosure outside. Snooky, being the flexible, outgoing, intelligent one (ie, he'll accept a cat harness) would accompany me in the car to the park. Alas! No cat tree, enclosure or car, but there are windowsills and a beautiful tree with blue jays to watch.

  21. I want to fulfill a simple last wish ... no more drives to the vet, but instead a drive with my mom down the Pacific Coast Highway and maybe a short stroll on the beach. I can see it now ... a lovely little picnic lunch of cheese, ice cream and oatmeal cookies; sweet milk for me and water for mom. And a travel sandbox just for moi (don't want to dirty up the big beach, iykwim).

    DustytheDogcat(TM), Defender of the Fourth Step(TM)


  22. We love to go to Paris and see the Eiffel Tower and have a fabulous meal, then on to Spain to go to the beach, and then maybe prance back over to Holland to visit a very dear friend!

  23. AnonymousJune 22, 2009

    The perfect vacation for me and my cats would have sun to lay in, wildlife to look at (or chase), and plenty of good food!

  24. AnonymousJune 22, 2009

    I think my oldest cat would love a vacation where I would just let her outside for an entire day. She would be thrilled!

  25. SpringfieldladyJune 22, 2009

    My momcat dream vacation with us will be that we all go to a island where there is nothing around for miles, and just have us run and play with all the bugs and eat grass and roll in catnip while momcat sits on the beach over looking the water without a care in the world or worring about anyone of us getting sick or lost, just letting us run free with the butterfly's and birds!

  26. Tristan and Galahad hate to travel, so they'd prefer a staycation, though it would be treat if they could go outdoors for just a little bit, completely supervised, of course. Their mama would love to go to England and do a tour of Stonehenge and sites related to Tudor history, however!

  27. These portraits are gorgeous. Mom would love to win as she'd use the giveaway to tote books about at her school.

    She leaves on her dream vacation on 7/1 ... Seattle, Vancouver, BC, and Salem, Oregon ...

  28. My 9 kitties and I would love to vacation in Ocean City, Md. I used to go there all the time when I lived in Wheeling, WV, but I've live in Lansing, MI for 30 years and it's been a long time since I've seen the ocean. We would stroll the boardwalk, play in the sand and eat all the fish, shrimp and crab that we could. My kitties deserve a great vacation because they have all been rescued. I volunteer for a rescue organization and use my own money to finance all the vet bills. It is worth it. They are the love of my life. I am the crazy cat lady of the neighborhood.

  29. I know my purrball Toby would love to catch that mousey he sees on the tv at Disneyland but little does he know how much bigger that mouse is to him. hehe
    My furbaby Patches however would rather come home for a vacation after having to stay elsewhere for the last year. She can get all the fun in the sun she needs in her favorite window.

  30. I dreem of going to Greese and taking Mr Tasty Face with me. Mr Tasty Face has bin to Greese before and dreems of reterning and showing the Food Lady all his faverite places. I wood like to go with them and vizit the cats hoo live in Greese. And maybe stop in Milan and Perris on the way bak to chek owt all the kyoot clothes.

  31. Well, my mom can’t easily travel with us, and we’re indoor cats who don’t know of much outside of our house and surrounding area, but I can tell you what *our* dream vacation with mom would be. She would unplug the phone and the internet on that wonderful heated key thingie next to the monitor that we love to sleep on. All work and appointments on her part would be canceled, and all meals and necessities would be delivered, so she wouldn’t have to leave or cook. Books would be put away, unless we’re curled up asleep on her lap, in which case reading is permissible. No TV unless it’s one of our favorite cat babysitting DVDs. We could have full run of the backyard while magically staying safe. And we would have her full and undivided attention, unless she’s sleeping, with lots of extra play time. And the really cool part of it all? That would be her dream vacation too!

    Minuette & Penelope

    P.S. *No vet visits or meds!*

  32. My dream would have to be something simple and rustic, like a yurt in Montana. Nights around a fire, days hiking and horseback riding, sightseeing in nature and hot springs.


    Heather and the ZooCrew (Fancy, Momma, Simon, Delilah, Shotsie, Odie, Eleanor, and the unnamed turtle)

  33. meh und my brudders and seesters have beenz on bacation. we hatez it. We prefur to stayz at home all da tyme. Fanks. - Kirby and all the udder Hunt katz

  34. Back when I was feeling healthier I was what some consider a gourmand. I still enjoy some human food I shouldn't have. My dream vacation would be to visit France with my mommy and daddy. There I could eat a variety of liver pâtés, custards, macaroons, lamb shanks, roasted chickens and other culinary delights that country has to offer.

  35. Mum would love to see the Pacific Northwest! She said it's peaceful, beautiful and full of wildlife she would let us play with (under her supervision, of course - she will NOT allow souvenirs!) While my sisfurs would probably stay close to our cabin accommodation, Emily catching up on her eclectic reading list, and Marigold loading her iPod with the newest releases, Mum and I have always wanted to visit the Seattle Fish Market!! The place where the silly hoomans throw fish through the air and catch them! Boy, would I LOVE if they dropped one! (heh~heh)
    Yes, that is where Our Mum would pack our kitteh bags to visit!

    Thank you for your time. Happy Vacation/Staycations to all our Fuzz~Friends and their staff!

    Prince Brutus


Thanks for dropping in...I appreciate your comments. It always makes my day!