June 21, 2009

Cat Lad No. 170...Happy Dads Day

Meet Bill Hunt-- our Cat Lad Dad of the Year, nominated by his Cat Lady Sweetheart Sarah.
As Sarah recalls: "When he first brought kittens Kirby and Lucy home, they were about 5 weeks old and very
small. He had them in his sweatshirt like a sling - you know, when you pull the bottom up to cradle something to hold it, and they were peeking over the sides."

Sarah already had a cat, Winfield, whose favorite game was "Knock-the-glasses-off-the-Cat-Dad's-face". (The burning popcorn in the background is another whole story...)

Many years later, the cat family has grown considerably, and Kirby and Lucy just celebrated their 17th birthdays!! Here is the official birthday portrait: Kirby and Lucy at 17

So here's to all the Feline Fellas and Cat Lad Dads out there! Hope your Dads Day is purrfect!

In addition to being a feline fella extraordinaire, Bill Hunt is the co-creator and editor of the highly popular website The Digital Bits and is co-author of The Digital Bits: Insider's Guide to DVD. Check them out!


  1. Oh Susan, you really outdid yourself with this one! I love the thing with the glasses -- such a feline thing to do!

  2. This is super cute illustration depicting a charming story. The details are really amusing.


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