May 3, 2009

Cat Ladies 121, 122, and 123...Two Moms are Better Than One

It's true. Squishy Carson, the handsome gray tabby who is front and center in this family portrait, will tell you so. Two moms are better than one.

Squishy is a loveable "in-your-face" kind of cat and would not kid you. This huggable lug (you know, squishy) is thrilled to have not one, but two loving cat moms: Cat Lady Camilla and Cat Lady Shannon.

Xyla--the dainty ginger tabby who loves to drape herself around Camilla's shoulders--totally agrees.

It's Cat Lady and Daughter Danielle, however, who thinks she's the luckiest and sends this special message with love:

Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day!

Thanks for visiting!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely LOVE your cat ladies! I consider myself one , even though I only have two cats. Your work is delightful.


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