April 5, 2009

Cat Lady No. 94...Time To Sow

Green Thumb Cat Lady Freeda and feline friend BeeBee enjoy growing sunflowers each summer, then saving the seeds to feed the backyard birds during the winter months.

Now that spring has arrived, it's time to take the last handful of seeds and to start a whole new crop. Freeda knows better than to plant them outside, because the blue jays or the chipmunks will just dig them up.

Instead, she and BeeBee will
put them in some soil in the greenhouse, and plant them outside in a few weeks when the seed has magically transformed itself into a stem and leaves and roots.

Would you like free seeds to grow your own sunflowers and help collect important data about bees? Then join in this fun project sponsored by researchers at San Francisco State University:

The Great Sunflower Project

Thanks for visiting!

Purrfect for sunflower gardening, this Cat Lady Apron can be found at my Cafepress Shop

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