April 2, 2009

Cat Lady No. 91...And The Winner Is...

Cat Lady Joy plans to spend the evening sharing a good romance novel with fellow bookworm Beach Babe...

But first Joy would like to announce the winner of the 365 Cat Ladies Giveaway for March:

"The winner is: Ronnie! "

As instructed, Ronnie visited my Etsy shop during March and then left this very nice comment on the contest post as to which item was her favorite: "Mermaid and catfish! Desert Turtle! Shoot they're all really nice. Susan's work is splendid!"

Thanks, Ronnie!

Ronnie is a contemporary folk artist and she has a wonderful blog that will make you chuckle and smile called : Biddy Brain (and what falls out). You can see her artwork there and also in her Etsy shop Biddy Brain Workshop

Congratulations Ronnie and be sure to contact me to let me know where to mail your prize. And coming soon: The 365 Cat Ladies April Giveaway. Stay tuned...

Thanks for visiting!

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