April 15, 2009

Cat Lady No. 104...Slow Food

Budding chef Annika peruses her favorite cook book while Dumplin looks on and hopes for tuna casserole...

Annika is a member of a new movement called Slow Food USA. It was created as an alternative to the concept of fast food, and is a "global, grassroots
movement with thousands of members around the world that links the pleasure of food with a commitment to community and the environment."

There is also a Slow Food International website. Both have great information and links about the joys of healthy, home-made, and environmentally-responsible food and cooking. Bon Apetit!

Thanks for visiting!

Purrfect for organic gardening, home cookin', and SLOW FOOD, I have dozens of Cat Lady Aprons to choose from at my Cafepress Shop

1 comment:

  1. Visit my blog for your award! You deserve it!
    XoXo, Suzi


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