March 24, 2009

Cat Lady No. 83...Home Sweet Home

There are may reasons that there are so many Happy Faces around Cat Lady Berta's home.

One of them is Yoshie, a foundling who once wandered the streets of Claremont, but found a loving lap to purr on when Berta invited her in. In return for her kindness, Yoshie often grooms Roberta's hair. Yoshie means "good girl" in Japanese (Yoshi means good).

Another reason for the happy faces would have to be the fudge that is made in Berta's kitchen at holiday time, which she shares with neighbors and friends of neighbors in a very generous fashion.

Between Berta, Yoshie, and the best fudge in the world, 'tis a very Home Sweet Home, indeed!

How about a Custom Cat Lady Portrait for Grandma? ...A one-of-a-kind and very affordable gift for Mother's Day...Last day to order is April 23. For pricing and options, please visit my Etsy online gallery by clicking here: CUSTOM CAT LADIES

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