March 9, 2009

Cat Lady No. 68...Garden Dreaming

It's time to start thinking about the vegetable garden and Cat Lady Adora is enjoying an quiet morning looking through seed catalogs with Cat Mom Bathsheba and her kitten Billy Boy!

Just yesterday Adora was very excited to find asparagus starts at the local garden nursery. Having never grown asparagus before, she went straight home, and with Billy Boy on her shoulder and Bathsheba on her lap, she sat at the computer and did some research.

She was surprised to learn that it takes 3 years for the plants to establish themselves, but once they do, they can last up to 12 to 15 years!

She discovered a wonderful gardening website called WATCH YOUR GARDEN GROW by the University of Illinois Extension; and they had lots of useful information about growing, storing and cooking asparagus:

Today, Adora is focusing on ordering seeds for her herb garden, and is making sure that catnip is on the list, much to the delight of Bathsheba and Billy Boy.

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