March 1, 2009

And The Winner Is......

Thank you for all of the fun and creative entries in the 365 Cat Ladies contest for February.

Contestants were asked to complete the following statement: My cat's favorite dance is_______and here is why:________.

I originally said that the winner would be chosen based on best choreography, originality, and sparkliest costume--no, wait--we'd just pick the one that made us smile the most.
But they ALL made us smile, so I threw all of the names into a hat and picked one at random. The winner is: Cat Lady Carol Wingert and here is her entry:

My cat Dot's favorite dance we call the "Texas 2 step".

Every night when heading up the stairs for bed, she will stop on the bottom step. I will ferociously pet her until she....walks up 2 steps! We repeat this EVERY TWO STEPS until we get to the top. We've called this the "Texas 2 step" from the beginning!

Besides being an avid Cat Lady and nature lover, Carol is an avid photographer. Here is a fun article that she wrote about her friend Fred The Egyptian Goose featuring some of her photos.

Congratulations!!! Carol will receive this tote bag from my Cafepress Shop.

And be sure to check today's Cat Lady No. 60 for another great entry worthy of your attention.

1 comment:

  1. I received this beautiful bag and I just love it.

    As a matter of fact, the cat on this bag is perfect! I have two kitties that look just like him!

    Thank you so much!!



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