February 6, 2009

Cat Lady No. 37...True Love

Cat Mom Mercedes has lost her heart to these three little rascals, dropped off at the cat rescue shelter where she volunteers on Fridays.

Sadly, millions of little sweethearts just like these are destroyed each year because there are simply too many cats and too few loving homes. A simple solution is to spay and neuter pets and feral cats.

Mercedes has been volunteering to help get the word out about Spay Day USA, sponsored by the Humane Society, which will take place February 24. Events are taking place throughout the month...check them out here: SPAY DAY EVENTS

In the mean time, Mercedes will try to find loving homes for the triplets, and in return they will continue to be adorable and put a smile on her face. Now that's true love.

Mercedes and her kittens can be found on a variety of Valentine cards, note cards, postcards, t-shirts and other gifts at: www.cafepress.com/SusanFaye.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mercedes,
    Good for you for getting the word out about the importance of spaying and neutering. I wonder if we have a similar kind of day here in Canada?


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