February 4, 2009

Cat Lady No. 35...Sunset Time

Cat Lady Georgia and Mister Vincent often enjoy watching the sunset together at the end of the day...

Georgia is happy to note that the sun is setting just a tad later each evening. "You know what that means," she smiles as she scratches Vincent behind the ear. "Spring is on the way! Tulips, garden parties, longer sunsets! "

Vincent knows what it REALLY means. It means that it will soon be time to shed a remarkable percentage of his magnificent fur coat. It means being groomed with that nice soft brush that tickles just a little bit and makes him purr.

It also means more appearances of that wretched vacuum monster that screeches over the carpet and tries to gobble up cats.

But for now, Georgia and Vincent think that tonight's winter sunset is particularly splendid with its warm oranges and glowing yellows...

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