January 15, 2009

Cat Lady No. 15...A Clutter of Cats

Do you find cats or do they find you? That's a question that Cat Lady Lorinda often asks herself every time another one finds its way to her doorstep...

She learned recently that a grouping of felines is sometimes called a "clutter of cats" and looking around her living room today, she would have to agree there is a bit of a cat clutter... She is currently housing nine refugees, counting the four new kitties that arrived last week: a neighbor found a mama cat and these three beautiful kittens in her garage, so of course she brought them to Lorinda.

Lorinda happily spends her spare time finding homes for all of her "foster felines", after making sure they are neutered and spayed, of course. A great website to find spay and neuter clinics in your area is: www.spayusa.org

In the mean time, Hewey, Dewey, and Lewey and their mom will reward Lorinda with endless antics and purrs and she won't mind the "clutter" at all...

This watercolor painting, called "Three Little Kittens" is available as a limited edition print at my Etsy Online Gallery www.SusanFaye.etsy.com. It arrives in an 11 x 14" matting, ready to frame in a standard size frame...

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